SnapFlightUSA - Spin Training and Endorsement

AC 61-67c

“Spin training is required for flight instructor-airplane and flight instructor-glider applicants only. Upon completion of the training, the applicant’s log book or training record should be endorsed by the flight instructor who provided the training.  A sample endorsement for flight instructor applicants is available in the current edition of AC 61-65.

  1. a.Spin training must be accomplished in an aircraft that is approved for spins. Before practicing intentional spins, the AFM or POH should be consulted for the proper entry and recovery techniques.

  2. b.The training should begin by  practicing both power-on and power-off stalls to familiarize the applicant with the aircraft’s stall characteristics. Spin avoidance, incipient spins, actual spin entry, spin and spin recovery techniques should be practiced from an altitude above 3000 feet AGL.

  3. c.Spin avoidance training should consist of stalls and maneuvering during slow flight using realistic distractions such as those listed in chapter 2. Performance is considered unsatisfactory if it becomes necessary for the instructor to take control of the aircraft to avoid a fully developed spin.

  4. d.Incipient spins should be practiced to train the instructor applicant to recover from a student’s poorly performed stall or unusual attitude that could lead to a spin. Configure the aircraft for a power-on or power-off stall, and continue to apply back elevator pressure. As the stall occurs, apply right or left rudder and allow the nose toward the stalled wing... “

Brad Leve, CFI

FAAST Lead Representative

University Park Airport,

State College, PA

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